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Guns, weapons, medals, militaria, sporting, ceramics, glass, cameras, scientific instruments, weights & scales
Venue address
The Stroud Auction Room
Ebley Road
Stonehouse, Gloucestershire
GL10 2LN
United Kingdom
Guns, weapons, medals, militaria, sporting, ceramics, glass, cameras, scientific instruments, weights & scales

In house postage or delivery available on all lots.

Auction dates
Feb 07, 2024 10:00 AM GMT
Lots: 1-681
Feb 08, 2024 10:00 AM GMT
Lots: 1000-End
Viewing dates
Feb 06, 2024 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM GMT
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There are 1508 lots within this auction
Primary Category
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First period Worcester cup, coffee can and two saucers decorated with dragons in compartments,
280 GBP
First period Worcester tea bowl, two saucers and sparrowbeak jug with Chinoiserie decoration,
170 GBP
First period Worcester coffee can decorated in the Red Bull pattern and a similar coffee can,
190 GBP
First period Worcester coffee can decorated in the Two Quail pattern, height 6.3cm
150 GBP
Four Spode bat print teacups / coffee cans and a saucer, some with Worlock Collection label to base
48 GBP
First period Worcester jug and relief moulded dish with Chinoiserie decoration, tallest 8cm
220 GBP
Four first period Worcester / 18thC coffee cans / tea bowls with Chinoiserie decoration
220 GBP
Collection of mostly first period Worcester coffee cans, teacups and Flight Barr and Barr cups
48 GBP
Five first period Worcester coffee cans with Chinese figural decoration
300 GBP
First period Worcester teapot and cover, with Chinoiserie decoration and flower finial, height 14cm
190 GBP
18thC teapot and cover, sparrow beak jug, coffee can and saucer, probably first period Worcester,
240 GBP
Nine 18thC Delft tiles with decoration including shipping, figural and religious, all framed, 16 x
130 GBP
Collection of 19th/20thC mainly Spode transfer printed blue and white ware including shaped
260 GBP
Collection of 19th/20thC mainly Spode transfer printed blue and white ware with some rarer
190 GBP
19thC transfer printed blue and white large meat platter with well, decorated with Chinese lady
45 GBP
Spode blue and white transfer printed sporting scene large platter 'Driving A Bear Out Of Sugar
400 GBP
Collection of 19thC transfer printed blue and white ware including two pickle dishes, Copeland,
80 GBP
Three Spode blue and white transfer printed sporting scenes plates / bowls including 'Death Of The
120 GBP
Copeland Spode extensive dessert service with landscape decoration, the handled dishes signed F
190 GBP
Copeland Parianware figure relief moulded plaque with cherub decoration, impressed 'Copeland 63'
50 GBP
Spode and Copeland framed circular plaque decorated with fisherman landing their catch including a
65 GBP
Copeland and Garrett framed porcelain plaque decorated with figures in 17thC costume buying cloth
60 GBP
Copeland / Spode twin handled potpourri, pedestal vase and a jug with bird decoration, all with
130 GBP
Spode Art Deco Velamour cat by Erik Olsen and a pair of figural griffin candlesticks, all with
95 GBP
Spode stone china pedestal punch bowl with Chinoiserie decoration and Worlock Collection label to
38 GBP
Two Spode spill vases, one with applied flower and bird decoration, the other with enamelled flowers
45 GBP
Spode pedestal vase of decagon form with enamelled flower decoration and Worlock Collection label to
75 GBP
Spode Cane Ware pair of candlesticks, pedestal dish, potpourri and a spill vase, with Worlock
65 GBP
Spode stone china pedestal vase with twin handles decorated in the famille rose palette, with
70 GBP
19thC Coalport basket decorated with flora and fauna in relief, with old staple restoration, 19thC
48 GBP
Copeland majolica vase with mask decoration and Worlock Collection label to base, height 23cm
75 GBP
Two 19thC Spode covered scent / perfume bottles, both with bird decoration in relief and with floral
60 GBP
19thC Spode covered scent / perfume bottle decorated in the Imari pattern, height 11cm
50 GBP
19thC Spode covered scent / perfume bottle decorated with floral swags of flowers and butterflies,
55 GBP
19thC Spode covered scent / perfume bottle decorated with flower cartouches, height 12cm
75 GBP
Pair of Victorian Copeland Spode wrythen moulded scent / perfume bottles with floral decoration
280 GBP
Three 19thC porcelain / glass scent / perfume bottles with hallmarked silver mounts including
240 GBP
Three 19thC porcelain and enamel scent / perfume bottles, two with hallmarked silver mounts
200 GBP
Two perfume or scent bottles with decoration of a lady and beau and a circular example, probably
20 GBP
Royal Worcester scent / perfume bottle decorated with flowers
30 GBP
Royal Worcester scent / perfume bottle decorated with a bird and foliage, height 9cm
35 GBP
Wedgwood Jasperware scent / perfume bottle with hallmarked silver mount decorated with classical
160 GBP
19thC porcelain figural scent / perfume bottle with goat, fruit and vine decoration in relief,
200 GBP
19thC Chinese porcelain scent / perfume bottle with white metal screw top decorated with a boy
200 GBP
19thC porcelain scent / perfume bottle, possibly Spode, with Geoffrey Fisk Collection label to base,
110 GBP
Royal Worcester porcelain scent bottle with hand painted decoration of a fledgling bird amongst
32 GBP
Royal Worcester pair of figural spill vases or sweetmeat dishes in the form of peasants carrying
70 GBP
Copeland Parianware figure of an owl and a recumbent lion, tallest 18cm
110 GBP
Copeland Parianware figure of a maiden with amphora 'Copeland Porcelain Statuary' stamp to base,
95 GBP
Copeland Parianware figure Narcissus after John Gibson, possibly one of the first 50 made, height
120 GBP
Continental porcelain plaque with figural decoration in relief of a female figure with cherub and
12 GBP
Two 19thC Copeland cabinet plates with butterfly and foliage decoration, with Worlock collection
20 GBP
Grainger Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester pair of flower encrusted pedestal vases, height 27cm
140 GBP
19thC porcelain twin handled butter dish, probably Royal Worcester or Spode, diameter 15cm
40 GBP
Royal China Works Worcester Grainger and Co twin handled vase decorated with ox eye daisies on a
18 GBP
Coalport c1805 spill vase with hand painted landscape scene, raised on three lion pad feet, height
35 GBP
Copeland pedestal vase decorated with sailing boats in a stormy sea, height 16cm
38 GBP
Copeland sardine dish of canister form, with net and fish decoration in relief, height 18cm
38 GBP
Copeland pedestal ewer with rope twist handle and enamelled and gilt decoration, height 23cm
130 GBP
Copeland pair of 19thC panelled sectional vases with enamelled decoration in relief and cartouches
190 GBP